An interactive idea that was brought to life thanks to Nexus Productions and funding from ICTomorrow.
Production Details
Self initiated
Nexus Productions (Joana Flor)
Production Company
Pedro Souza (Arduino/Unity/emotional support)
Dominik Koller
Jack Cunningham - illustration
An idea I had for many years in my sketchbook/head which, after a few attempts of trying to get it off the ground, found itself a recipient of a development award from the Technical Services Bureau. More than that was the beauty of Joana Flor appearing after a string of people not quite getting it right who said "Why hasn't this happened yet?" and then Pedro De Souza appearing and essentially making the whole thing actually physically happen.
We won a Silver Lovie Ward in 2014 for Best Experimental & Innovation
An idea I had for many years in my sketchbook/head which, after a few attempts of trying to get it off the ground, found itself a recipient of a development award from the Technical Services Bureau. More than that was the beauty of Joana Flor appearing after a string of people not quite getting it right who said "Why hasn't this happened yet?" and then Pedro De Souza appearing and essentially making the whole thing actually physically happen.
We won a Silver Lovie Ward in 2014 for Best Experimental & Innovation
Interactive idea
The idea began many years ago but was kicked into action after watching David Farr's production of Metamorphosis for the Lyric Hammersmith.

The design of the set (the main character's room was built as a top-down view) and use by the actors was breathtaking and elicited a genuinely raw emotion from the audience. It made me wonder why you don't get that reaction from tradition screen based animation even though we can create jaw dropping worlds.

In response I started wondering how one would build a physical set and project a story into it - this developed to become interactive, so essentially a game, but the essence of the feeling of transposing animation into the real world was still at the core.
The idea was exploring how it would feel if the physical world changed with the digital animation so I played around with what servo motors and various analogue machinery might be able to do and just went ahead and planned the whole thing out.

The process would be to build a set in 3D Studio Max, design and construct servo motors that could open doors, move lifts (or anything else), pass that to rapid protoyping whilst also designing the game itself (a pretty simple platformer) and creating the animation.
Here's a still of the rapid prototyped set with no projection and the same set with projection.

There's still a lot of documentation that I would like to do about this project so hopefully this page will be updated when I have a window to reminisce but please drop me a line if this is interesting and you would like to know more!